I went to Argentina for a month to visit my family, now I'm back at Ibiraquera and we had such a day!! big waves so much fun, a very good welcome from my spot! Special thanks to Lars and Julio for the pic's!! More pic's in Windmag.com
Thank you very much again to everyone who helped us to make this trip possible!! Thanks to my sponsors: Naish, Dakine and Blacklocal and Special Thanks to Soöruz, they help me very much all this year!! Looking forward for a new season and new trips coming soon!!
It's been a long time without good sailing conditions! the summer was hot and without wind this year at ile de Ré.. so it was time to push myself to learn some stand up puddle!! and finally I love it!! But yesterday with light wind and nice wave, I was back to windsurfing action!! Sooo niceee!!!
A long time without doing free style, today strong wind at Rivedoux, nice session! Trying some vulcanos and starting to learn flaka(not so easy, but I'll keep trying!!), thanks to the wind!! hope to have some more this week!!
Yesterday, Wehadnicesmall conditions atoneofthe spot atI'le de Ré, France, thewayto go intothewaterwasnoteasy! many rocks!! and thewindwaslight but got'sbetteafterfewhours, I hadsomuchfun!!
I went to Défi Wind at Gruissan, in France, It was a big expecting competition with 900windsurfer's this year and the super nice presence of Robby Naish, but no lucky again with the wind conditions! Anyway we had many activities to do, like SUP or Party!! I was staying with the sooruz crew, and It was so much fun!!
Yesterday good wave session at Ile de Ré, the spot Gouillaud, the wind was side side on, 20 knots, I was sailing with 4.2 and my bigger board 69l. It was fun, all the loco crew was here! The photographer Dave, took some shot's, check it out!