Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Praia do Sol!

Super nice session with south wind in Praia do Sol!
Thanks Luz Vazquez for the Pic's and Lars!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

WindMag: Special Progression!

We went to Soma Bay, Egypte for this special photo shooting about all the steps of windsurfing, from starting level to advance!
thanks to "the teacher" Nicolas Warembourg for all the tips to make the pic's and he is doing all lessons on the mag. And special thanks to Bernard Biancotto for the pic's. We spent a super nice time together!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Trips page upload!

My trips page is upload with flash galleries, it is about all the travels I did with Pro photographers, take a look!
Photo: Bernard Biancotto, Egypte.